Leichentisch für medizinische Geräte

Sales Leichentisch für medizinische Geräte

YS-Z4 Leichenschauhaus-Autopsietisch höhenverstellbar und Tisch kann um 45° gedreht werden. YS-Z4 aus Edelstahl 304 rostet nicht

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Product Description

Medical Equipment Instrument Mortuary Table

The YS-Z4 morgue autopsy rotates 45°and is a pedestal design that includes all the convenient features to
perform an autopsy . The YS-Z4 autopsy table is designed for autopsy suites with limited space or
unique construction require mints .


Product stainless steel embalming table funeral
Model YS-Z4
Load Capacity
180 KG
Width 80 cm x Length 260 cm x Height 80 cm
Stainless steel 304

Mortuary table Details

morgue autopsy

Stainless steel embalming table Standard Features

A deck mounted Hand Spray with a high pressure hose allows complete rinsing of the body or table with a press of a single lever .
The autopsy table has an integrally constructed large sink and is creased toward the center for complete drainage .
Weight capacity is 180 kg

YS-Z4 Mortuary table Standard Features
Table Top : The table Top is fabricated of stainless steel with built in large sink on one end

Two GFCI duplex electrical receptacles with water resistant covers are positioned on each side of the pedestal

Pedestal ; Table pedestal is fabricated of 304 stainless steel
Integral since : Integral sink to front panel construction eliminates sharp edges where bacteria can accumulate . All welded seamless construction provides durability
Hand Spray : Deck mounted hand spray for convenience . Chrome plated brass with high

Faucet:Swing spout faucet with vacuum breaker protection
Grid Plates :3 removable grid plates are recessed ½

ProduktbeschreibungTotentisch für medizinische Geräte

Das YS-Z4

Leichenschauhaus Autopsie
dreht sich um 45 ° und ist ein Sockeldesign, das alle praktischen Funktionen enthälteine Obduktion durchführen. Der YS-Z4 Autopsietisch ist für Autopsiesuiten mit begrenztem Platz oderEinzigartige Konstruktion erfordert Münzstätten.

morgue autopsy

morgue autopsy

stainless steel embalming table

stainless steel embalming table funeral

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